Let's work together to restore the nature and environment of the rivers and streams around us that we
have grown accustomed to since childhood.
ここでは四万十川についてのお話をします。 四万十川は「日本最後の清流」と、多くの国民から愛されました。
これらは存在する河川の全てに言えることですが、四万十川ではこの原因すべて凝縮されているのです。 本プロジェクトで「四万十川」を学ぶことによって、身近で、子供のころから慣れ親しんだ河川が実は汚染と生態系破壊が進み、ダム建設によってコンクリートで固められ、徐々に本来の姿が失われていることに気づいていただけると
思います。 自分の身近な川や小川の自然と環境を取り戻すために一緒に行動しましょう。
これらは存在する河川の全てに言えることですが、四万十川ではこの原因すべて凝縮されているのです。 本プロジェクトで「四万十川」を学ぶことによって、身近で、子供のころから慣れ親しんだ河川が実は汚染と生態系破壊が進み、ダム建設によってコンクリートで固められ、徐々に本来の姿が失われていることに気づいていただけると
思います。 自分の身近な川や小川の自然と環境を取り戻すために一緒に行動しましょう。
The ecosystem and water quality of Japan's rivers are deteriorating.
Some people are aware of this fact, but most are not.
Why are so many people unaware of this? It is because there are few places to provide evidence that the environment is deteriorating and nature is being destroyed. Even if we want to tell the truth, if there are not enough places to tell the truth, we cannot deliver it to you.
In this project, we would like to inform you about our research on the deterioration of "river ecosystems" and "water quality" in the Shimanto River and other rivers, in a way that can be enjoyed not only by adults but also as an educational tool for children.
In this age when more and more people visit rivers for healing with family and friends, we believe that even a little bit of knowledge will help people to love, care for, and like rivers more.
So, please enjoy and continue reading.
Some people are aware of this fact, but most are not.
Why are so many people unaware of this? It is because there are few places to provide evidence that the environment is deteriorating and nature is being destroyed. Even if we want to tell the truth, if there are not enough places to tell the truth, we cannot deliver it to you.
In this project, we would like to inform you about our research on the deterioration of "river ecosystems" and "water quality" in the Shimanto River and other rivers, in a way that can be enjoyed not only by adults but also as an educational tool for children.
In this age when more and more people visit rivers for healing with family and friends, we believe that even a little bit of knowledge will help people to love, care for, and like rivers more.
So, please enjoy and continue reading.

We have two main MISSION.
To revive the Shimanto River by restoring its water quality and ecosystem.
To restore the diversity of fish and other life forms, to help solve global warming, and to make the river a place of abundance and a place of peace for people.
To revive the Shimanto River by restoring its water quality and ecosystem.
To restore the diversity of fish and other life forms, to help solve global warming, and to make the river a place of abundance and a place of peace for people.
国内:熊本県荒瀬ダム・海外のダム撤去例を調査する。 (海外でのプロジェクト例) 米ダム撤去例;ワシントン州ElwhaダムやグランドキャニオンにあるGlen Canyon ダムなどを検討する。ダムによる第1次生産力の減少、生物多様性の喪失、固有種の減少、ダム構造の脆弱化、安全性の減退、土壌の蓄積とダム維持コストの増大を調査する。米で1990年から2015年で900のダムが撤去された。
国内:熊本県荒瀬ダム・海外のダム撤去例を調査する。 (海外でのプロジェクト例) 米ダム撤去例;ワシントン州ElwhaダムやグランドキャニオンにあるGlen Canyon ダムなどを検討する。ダムによる第1次生産力の減少、生物多様性の喪失、固有種の減少、ダム構造の脆弱化、安全性の減退、土壌の蓄積とダム維持コストの増大を調査する。米で1990年から2015年で900のダムが撤去された。
Based on the results of our research, this project aims to identify the causes of environmental
degradation in rivers and work on measures to restore water quality and ecosystems (NBS) by
harnessing the power of nature.
If the Shimanto River is revived through this project, we hope to make it a model case for restoring the environment and water quality of rivers across Japan in the future.
Many of you may not know this, but water quality restoration (NBS) using the power of nature is already taking place in many countries, including the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and South Korea, and the environmental degradation of rivers is an area that is attracting attention both domestically and internationally.
First of all, starting with the Shimanto River, we will contribute to making rivers throughout Japan richer and more relaxing places for more people.
If the Shimanto River is revived through this project, we hope to make it a model case for restoring the environment and water quality of rivers across Japan in the future.
Many of you may not know this, but water quality restoration (NBS) using the power of nature is already taking place in many countries, including the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and South Korea, and the environmental degradation of rivers is an area that is attracting attention both domestically and internationally.
First of all, starting with the Shimanto River, we will contribute to making rivers throughout Japan richer and more relaxing places for more people.


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小松 正之
Representative Director, Ecosystem Research Institute
Kajima Peace Institute Visiting Researcher
Visiting Professor, Asian Growth Research Institute
1984 Yale Graduate School of Business Administration, MBA
2004 Completed Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo, Doctor of Agriculture
Kajima Peace Institute Visiting Researcher
Visiting Professor, Asian Growth Research Institute
1984 Yale Graduate School of Business Administration, MBA
2004 Completed Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo, Doctor of Agriculture
2022年6月にはスミソニアン環境研究所 5名を大船渡市、陸前高田市に招致した。
2022年11~12月に米スミソニアン環境研究所とメリーランド州自然資源局を訪問し、NBSに関する意見交換、Living shore lineとRegenerative Stream Channel(RSC)の現場を多数視察
2023年4~5月山口壮衆議院議員(元環境大臣)と鶴保庸介参議院議員(元内閣府特命担当大臣)と3名の科学者とともに米ホワイトハウス・CEQ(環境クオリティー委員会)、メリーランド州務長官と約50名のメリーランド州上下両院議員・科学者とNBSの実施に関して意見交換を実施した。メリーランド州務長官とはNBSの協力促進の合意文書に署名した。また、Living shore line(生きた海岸線)、Regenerative Sream Channel(再生ストリーム流路)とストーム汚染水の処理の現場を視察した。
2022年6月にはスミソニアン環境研究所 5名を大船渡市、陸前高田市に招致した。
2022年11~12月に米スミソニアン環境研究所とメリーランド州自然資源局を訪問し、NBSに関する意見交換、Living shore lineとRegenerative Stream Channel(RSC)の現場を多数視察
2023年4~5月山口壮衆議院議員(元環境大臣)と鶴保庸介参議院議員(元内閣府特命担当大臣)と3名の科学者とともに米ホワイトハウス・CEQ(環境クオリティー委員会)、メリーランド州務長官と約50名のメリーランド州上下両院議員・科学者とNBSの実施に関して意見交換を実施した。メリーランド州務長官とはNBSの協力促進の合意文書に署名した。また、Living shore line(生きた海岸線)、Regenerative Sream Channel(再生ストリーム流路)とストーム汚染水の処理の現場を視察した。
Born in 1953 in Hirota-cho, Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture.
Representative Director of the Ecosystem Research Institute, Research Fellow of the Kajima
Peace Research Institute, and
Visiting Professor at the Asian Growth Institute.
He received his MBA from Yale University School of Management in 1984.
D. in Agriculture from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the
University of Tokyo in 2004.
1977: Joined the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF); 1985: Assistant
Director, Fisheries Agency (in charge of Japan-US negotiations);
1988: First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Italy
(in charge of FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Counsellor,
Fisheries Agency (in charge of international negotiations), 2002
Director of Fisheries Research Center, Independent Administrative Institution (2005).
During this time, he won the mothership-style salmon trout trial in the U.S. Department of
Commerce Administrative Court, the Southern Bluefin Tuna International Law of the Sea Trial
and International Law of the Sea Arbitration Tribunal, and
He has served as Chairman of the Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries Commission and Chairman of the
FAO Fisheries Commission.
From 1991, he served as the Japanese representative to the International Whaling Commission
for 13 years, and was responsible for the expansion and strengthening of the research
whaling program in the Antarctic Ocean and the research whaling program in the Northwest
Pacific Ocean.
In 2005, Newsweek magazine named him the second most respected Japanese in the world.
Member of the Fisheries Reform Committee, Japan Economic Research Council, 2007; Cabinet
Office Regulation in the Yasuo Fukuda Cabinet, Taro Aso Cabinet and Naoto Kan Cabinet
In 2011, he worked with Niigata Governor Hirohiko Izumida on prefectural fisheries reform.
He was a professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies from 2008 to 2012
and at the Tokyo Foundation Institute for Policy Studies from 2015 to 2020.
Fisheries Reform Project Leader and, 2017-2019, Japan Economic Research Council, "Second
Committee on Fisheries Reform."
He served as the chief examiner, and from 2021 he has been the chairman and chief examiner
of the Japan Economic Research Council's Third Committee on Fisheries Reform.
Since FY2015, with the support of the Nippon Foundation, we have conducted the Kesen River
and Hirota Bay Comprehensive Basic Survey, a survey to collect basic information on the
relationship between the forest, river, sea and people in Kesen River and Hirota Bay.
In May 2017, the Smithsonian Environmental Institute invited Director Hynes to Japan.
In FY 2018 to 2020, the project was commissioned by Rikuzentakata City as the "Hirota Bay
and Kesen River Comprehensive Survey".
The survey was conducted. In addition, the Kajima Institute for Peace Research, a general
incorporated foundation, conducted the "North Pacific Ocean Marine Ecosystem and Marine
Order and
He served as the chief of the "Study Group on the Diplomatic Security System" and held
monthly study groups.
From April 2022, I will serve as the chief researcher of the institute's "Food, Ecosystem,
and Land Use Research Group", and I will continue to work on the global warming of the
environment, and on methods of utilizing nature.
We are working on waterfront restoration.
From fiscal 2021, the survey will be expanded to cover the Shimanto River basin and Ofunato
In June 2022, we invited five members of the Smithsonian Environmental Institute to Ofunato
and Rikuzentakata.
From November 2022, we will start working again on the Tokyo Bay restoration survey
(2002~2005 was when I was working for the Fisheries Agency).
In November to December 2022, visits were made to the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for exchanging opinions on NBS (Nature-based Solutions) and conducting numerous field inspections of Living Shoreline and Regenerative Stream Channel (RSC).
In April to May 2023, along with Member of the House of Representatives Sō Yamaguchi (former Minister of the Environment), Member of the House of Councillors Yōsuke Tsuruho (former Minister of State for Special Missions, Cabinet Office), and three scientists, discussions were held with the White House CEQ (Council on Environmental Quality), the Maryland Secretary of State, and approximately 50 members of the Maryland State Legislature and scientists regarding the implementation of NBS. An agreement document for promoting collaboration on NBS was signed with the Maryland Secretary of State. Additionally, field inspections were conducted on Living Shoreline, Regenerative Stream Channel, and stormwater pollution treatment sites.
His publications cover a wide range of topics, including fisheries systems and policies,
tuna fisheries, whaling policies, Edo history food culture theory, nature conservation,
international trials, the Tsukiji Toyosu market and distribution, land, river and sea
ecosystems, and leadership theory, with about 60 books including translations into Japanese,
English, French, Russian, West Chinese and Korean
Representative Director of the Ecosystem Research Institute, Research Fellow of the Kajima
Peace Research Institute, and
Visiting Professor at the Asian Growth Institute.
He received his MBA from Yale University School of Management in 1984.
D. in Agriculture from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the
University of Tokyo in 2004.
1977: Joined the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF); 1985: Assistant
Director, Fisheries Agency (in charge of Japan-US negotiations);
1988: First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Italy
(in charge of FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Counsellor,
Fisheries Agency (in charge of international negotiations), 2002
Director of Fisheries Research Center, Independent Administrative Institution (2005).
During this time, he won the mothership-style salmon trout trial in the U.S. Department of
Commerce Administrative Court, the Southern Bluefin Tuna International Law of the Sea Trial
and International Law of the Sea Arbitration Tribunal, and
He has served as Chairman of the Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries Commission and Chairman of the
FAO Fisheries Commission.
From 1991, he served as the Japanese representative to the International Whaling Commission
for 13 years, and was responsible for the expansion and strengthening of the research
whaling program in the Antarctic Ocean and the research whaling program in the Northwest
Pacific Ocean.
In 2005, Newsweek magazine named him the second most respected Japanese in the world.
Member of the Fisheries Reform Committee, Japan Economic Research Council, 2007; Cabinet
Office Regulation in the Yasuo Fukuda Cabinet, Taro Aso Cabinet and Naoto Kan Cabinet
In 2011, he worked with Niigata Governor Hirohiko Izumida on prefectural fisheries reform.
He was a professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies from 2008 to 2012
and at the Tokyo Foundation Institute for Policy Studies from 2015 to 2020.
Fisheries Reform Project Leader and, 2017-2019, Japan Economic Research Council, "Second
Committee on Fisheries Reform."
He served as the chief examiner, and from 2021 he has been the chairman and chief examiner
of the Japan Economic Research Council's Third Committee on Fisheries Reform.
Since FY2015, with the support of the Nippon Foundation, we have conducted the Kesen River
and Hirota Bay Comprehensive Basic Survey, a survey to collect basic information on the
relationship between the forest, river, sea and people in Kesen River and Hirota Bay.
In May 2017, the Smithsonian Environmental Institute invited Director Hynes to Japan.
In FY 2018 to 2020, the project was commissioned by Rikuzentakata City as the "Hirota Bay
and Kesen River Comprehensive Survey".
The survey was conducted. In addition, the Kajima Institute for Peace Research, a general
incorporated foundation, conducted the "North Pacific Ocean Marine Ecosystem and Marine
Order and
He served as the chief of the "Study Group on the Diplomatic Security System" and held
monthly study groups.
From April 2022, I will serve as the chief researcher of the institute's "Food, Ecosystem,
and Land Use Research Group", and I will continue to work on the global warming of the
environment, and on methods of utilizing nature.
We are working on waterfront restoration.
From fiscal 2021, the survey will be expanded to cover the Shimanto River basin and Ofunato
In June 2022, we invited five members of the Smithsonian Environmental Institute to Ofunato
and Rikuzentakata.
From November 2022, we will start working again on the Tokyo Bay restoration survey
(2002~2005 was when I was working for the Fisheries Agency).
In November to December 2022, visits were made to the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for exchanging opinions on NBS (Nature-based Solutions) and conducting numerous field inspections of Living Shoreline and Regenerative Stream Channel (RSC).
In April to May 2023, along with Member of the House of Representatives Sō Yamaguchi (former Minister of the Environment), Member of the House of Councillors Yōsuke Tsuruho (former Minister of State for Special Missions, Cabinet Office), and three scientists, discussions were held with the White House CEQ (Council on Environmental Quality), the Maryland Secretary of State, and approximately 50 members of the Maryland State Legislature and scientists regarding the implementation of NBS. An agreement document for promoting collaboration on NBS was signed with the Maryland Secretary of State. Additionally, field inspections were conducted on Living Shoreline, Regenerative Stream Channel, and stormwater pollution treatment sites.
His publications cover a wide range of topics, including fisheries systems and policies,
tuna fisheries, whaling policies, Edo history food culture theory, nature conservation,
international trials, the Tsukiji Toyosu market and distribution, land, river and sea
ecosystems, and leadership theory, with about 60 books including translations into Japanese,
English, French, Russian, West Chinese and Korean